365 Track & Field Groups Return to Action on 15th and 17th September

13 September 2020

The committee is pleased to announce that 365 track and field group sessions will return to action this week on Tuesday 15th and  Thursday 17th September.

As before the sessions start at 6:00 pm and finish at 7:15 pm.

Note: We are not allowed to use any part of the indoor areas. Entry is via the metal gate to the north of the main entrance, overlooking the finish line. Sanitizer and relevant procedures will be in place. Toilet facilities are available over at the Leisure Centre.

Athletes should know which session they are attending.

Year 8s can attend either Tuesday or Thursday session as previously agreed. Year 9 attend a 365 session and an event group session, i.e. for an event of particular interest.

If you have not received a previous confirmation of which session to attend, or have not expressed an event preference and received confirmation of this - please contact Carolyn as soon as possible via email cliffandcarolyn69@gmail.com